Payroll services including pension administration and RTI filing

Are you daunted by the prospect of calculating payroll deductions? Are you terrified of all the legislation surrounding employees? We can ease the pain!

For many, calculating the weekly or monthly payroll and making the electronic submissions to HM Revenue and Customs is a chore they just don’t need. We can take care of it for you. Whether you are paying the same amount each month, or completely variable amounts dependent upon hours or commission we will undertake your payroll processing and Real Time Information (RTI) filing.

We can then email payslips directly to your employees on your behalf, and provide hard copies if required.

Additionally, we can calculate pension deductions and report them directly to your pension provider, ensure regular re-enrolment responsibilities are met and that auto-enrolment is carried out for new employees or existing employees who change auto-enrolment status.

We will also undertake Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) returns and subcontractor verification where needed.

Furthermore, we will also oversee compliance with the National Minimum WAGE (NMW) and advise on the Working Time Directive. We can even keep a record of holiday entitlement.

Should things not work out we can also calculate redundancy pay.

Whatever your payroll requirements, get in touch to find out how we can help.

Free initial 1 hour consultation

We offer an initial 1 hour no-fee consultation so please get in touch